Russian Studies
(Boris Nemtsov Educational Program)
„Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Education Program)“ – A postgraduate Master’s (two-year) educational program in Russian, which also includes a number of relevant required and optional lectures and seminars in English. The educational program focuses on the study of Russia with an emphasis on the post-Soviet period.
The curriculum includes several compulsory courses representing the methodological and theoretical foundations of specialized academic disciplines, as well as thematic blocks of compulsory and elective courses with a variable offering of lectures and seminars (society, domestic politics and economy of post-Soviet Russia; Russian foreign policy after the collapse of the USSR; language and symbols of contemporary Russian politics, culture and identity; journalism and mass media in post-Soviet Russia).
The purpose of the Postgraduate Master’s degree program „Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Education Program)“ is to train qualified specialists capable of working both in the commercial sphere focused on Russia and the post-Soviet space, and in international organizations, government agencies of democratic countries at various levels, non-governmental organizations and media focused on the Russian-speaking environment, the post-Soviet space or Russian-speaking communities outside Russia. The postgraduate Master’s degree program „Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Education Program)“ is open to all interested persons with at least a Bachelor’s degree.
The prerequisite is also Russian language proficiency of at least C1 level (according to CEFR for languages), English language proficiency of at least B2 level (according to CEFR for languages), basic knowledge of Russian history and knowledge of political and social realities of contemporary Russia.
Possibilities to use student exchange programs:
A graduate of the two-year postgraduate master’s degree program „Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Educational Program)“ will be able to independently analyze changes in Russian society, foreign policy, economy, journalism, media space and political-constitutional system from 1991 to the present in the international context, will be able to work critically with information resources, will be familiar with the relevant recent scientific literature and methodological approaches, and will have the ability to work critically with information resources, will be familiar with relevant recent scientific literature and methodological approaches, will be ready to further pursue postgraduate studies in Russian- and English-language graduate programs focused on the study of Russia and Eastern Europe with an appropriate methodological base (especially history, political science, sociology). The knowledge and skills acquired in the course of study will allow the graduate of the postgraduate Master’s degree program „Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Educational Program)“ to participate in the work of international commercial and non-profit organizations, to work in the field of economic relations and tourism, in traditional and new media, in government agencies and in non-governmental organizations. A graduate of the postgraduate Master’s degree program „Russian Studies (Boris Nemtsov Educational Program)“ will be prepared to work in international professional teams and project activities, to develop analytical and informational materials on the problems of post-Soviet Russia and its relations with the world.
1) demonstration of knowledge of English language not lower than level B2 (according to CEFR for languages) in the form of a story about motivation to study in this program (max. 20 points)
2) demonstration of basic knowledge of Russian history (max. 40 points)
3) Demonstration of knowledge of political and social realities of modern Russia (max. 40 points).
additional requirements for the exam: list of readings (to be presented at the entrance exam)
List of recommended literature for oral exam