Zveme Vás na přednášku prof. Paula Chaistyho (Oxford School for Global and Area Studies): ‘Consolidation and Contestation: How Russians Understand the New Russia’, která se uskuteční ve středu 19. dubna 2023, od 12:30 do 14:00 hod. v místnosti 325 na Hlavní budově FF UK, Nám. Jana Palacha 2, Praha 1.
Anotace: ‘Professor Chaisty will present analysis from a forthcoming book co-authored with Professor Stephen Whitefield (University of Oxford), which explores how Russian citizens have come to understand the new political, economic and state systems that have emerged since the early 1990s. Using original public opinion research that they have conducted on a regular basis since the early 1990s, the talk explores the extent to which mass attitudes have consolidated around the country’s new hybrid political and economic systems.”
Přednáška je zařazena též do předmětu Přednášky hostujících profesorů.PLAKAT_PAUL_CHAISTY_