The Department of East European Studies has established various contacts, especially with partner university departments, with which it has entered into contracts for educational and research co-operation. Among foreign universities, the Department engages in the most intensive cooperation with the Moscow State University (Philological Faculty), the Russian State University for the Humanities, Saint Petersburg State University, Precarpathian National University in Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi National University. With all universities the regular bilateral exchanges of students and teachers are carried out and guest lectures of renowned experts are organized. The Baltic Studies Seminar cooperates in particular with the Institute of Lithuanian Language in Vilnius and with the University of Latvia in Riga. Its research focuses specifically on the history of Czech Slavic studies and the Baltic studies, Ruthenian literature, literature of the Lithuanian Grand Duchy and Ochranov (Herrnhut) literature in Livonia. Among the Czech scientific institutions, the DEES most closely cooperates with the Slavic Institute of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i. (scientific and research institution), especially in the area of educational cooperation and participation of members and students of the Department in specific research projects focused primarily on literary studies and Paleo-Slavic studies.