The absolvent of these studies receives systematic training in scientific work in Slavic philology or linguistics. He is capable to identify scientific research topics current for knowledge about structure and use of Slavic languages in necessary comparative view in synchronia and diachronia. He is able to set goals and research methods and fit his research into the structure of current knowledge according to the state of research of the selected issue and existing literature. He is well-versed in methodology of his field, can select an adequate method of material collection given his goal, and is capable to come to accurate conclusions. He has proven competent in scientific communication, both written and verbal. He usually also gained experience in pedagogic life in academical environment.
The absolvent of doctorate studies in field of Slavic philology is familiar with current issues of scientific research, especially in the country the language of which he specialises in, has understanding of practising grammatical slavistics not only in his chosen area but in other Slavic countries and in related areals (Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, Baltic states etc.). He has a general knowledge of the most important specialised magazines and current topical books. He is informed about the profile of key slavistics university and scientific institutions, especially in the countries the language and philology of which he specialises in. He visited some of them during his study stays and learned about others through conference attendance. He is used to teamwork in scientific research (mostly as a part of scientific goals and sub-projects) and has experience in scientific life organisation (conferences, research projects, internships).