Two-year Master‘s single-subject and double-subject degree in Eastern European Studies (EES) follows the three-year Bachelor’s degree of EES. The study is profiled as a philological study within the concept of “Foreign languages, culture of language in synchronic and diachronic perspective and areal studies” with a selected areal language A (Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian) and with professional focus on geographic, geopolitical space of Eastern Europe and its cultural and social development. The study is, like the Bachelor‘s degree, designed as an integrated study, whose natural constituents are the language, literature, history, cultural and social areal context. The discipline is divided into a bloc of subjects of common basis and three basic modules (linguistic module – Slavic studies, linguistic module – Baltic studies, literary and historical module). Modules, among other things, include subjects developing practical language skills of students, a series of lectures on European and areal context of literature in Eastern Europe and linguistic courses focused on examining the relevant languages in synchronic and diachronic perspective. A part of the single-subject master’s study programme EES is a module „Other Slavic or Baltic language“ – the language B, which includes a compulsory subject constisting of another areal language with a scope of four semesters (the output linguistic competence of the student of another or second areal language is equivalent to B1 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages). Compulsory courses are complemented by a choice of optional subjects. The follow-up Master‘s degree VES is intended not only for graduates of Bachelor‘s degree in Eastern European Studies, but also for candidates who have completed other related bachelor‘s degree courses not only at the Charles University in Prague, but also at other universities. Knowledge of a selected areal language (the input language competence at B2 level of the European Framework of Reference for Languages) and a demonstration of detailed knowledge of the social, political, cultural and historical facts of the area of Eastern Europe are the only conditions.