Entrance Examinations (Bc.) – Russian Language and Literature
Applicants will be asked a total of three questions: 1) a question testing their knowledge of Russian language (level A2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages being the minimum level required), 2) a question testing their knowledge of Russian literature, 3) a question testing their knowledge of Russian history. All questions will be based on a reading list which the applicant must present at the oral entrance examination and which should include not only the works from our recommended reading list, but also other publications (non-fiction and fiction) of the applicant’s choice related to the given sets of examination topics.
Sample questions for the oral entrance examination:
Russian Language Skills
(at least level A2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages) – possible conversation topics:
- Your motivation to study Russian language and literature – Почему вы решили изучать русский язык и литературу?
- The usefulness of studying Russian and other languages – Считаете ли вы полезным изучение русского языка и других иностранных языков?
- Introducing yourself, your interests and hobbies – Раскажите о себе, о своих интересах и хобби.
- Work, occupation, studies – Где вы учились, где вы сейчас учитесь или работаете?
- Travel – Любите ли вы путешествовать и какие страны вы уже успели посетить?
- Culture and nature in the Czech Republic – Какие места вы показали бы своим друзьям-иностранцам в Чехии?
- Culture and nature in Russia – Какие интересные места вы знаете и хотели бы посетить в России?
- Speaking about your hometown – Расскажите о своем родном городе и его достопримечательностях.
- Your favourite Russian and non-Russian writers – Какие ваши любимые писатели – представители русской и мировой литературы?
- Your favourite Russian films and music – Какие русские фильмы и песни вы любите?
Russian literature:
- Basic characteristics of medieval literature.
- General characteristics of Russian romanticism.
- The works of A. S. Pushkin.
- Representatives of Russian realism.
- The works of N. V. Gogol.
- The works of L. N. Tolstoy.
- The works of F. M. Dostoevsky.
- Key representatives of 19th century Russian poetry.
- Russian theatre and key authors.
- The works of A. P. Chekhov.
- Russian symbolism and modernism.
- Characteristics of Russian avant-garde.
- Russian literature after 1917.
- Characteristics of social realism.
- Russian prose between the two world wars.
- The works of M. A. Bulgakov.
- Authors of Russian emigration literature.
- Russian authors who won the Nobel Prize in Literature.
- The works and importance of A. I. Solzhenitsyn.
- Prominent authors in contemporary Russian literature.
History of Russia:
- Kievan Rus’.
- Muscovite Russia.
- Russia under the rule of Peter the Great.
- The reign of Catherine II.
- Russia in the first half of the 19th century.
- Russia at the beginning of the 20th century.
- The Russian revolution in 1917.
- Stalinism.
- Cold War and the Soviet Union.
- The era of N. S. Khrushchev.
- Perestroika and M. S. Gorbachev.
- Russia after 1991.
- Basic geographic characteristics of the Russian Federation.
- Key political figures and parties in contemporary Russia.
- The structure of state power bodies in contemporary Russia (compared to the political system of the Czech Republic).
- The Russian Federation and its relations with the post-Soviet countries.
- Russian minorities in the post-Soviet countries.
- National minorities in the Russian Federation.
- Russia’s position in contemporary international politics.
- Czech-Russian relations in the 19th and 20th century.
The recommended reading list for the entrance examination can be accessed here.