The Department of East European Studies has participated in numerous research and grant projects within the FA. In the field of Russian studies, we currently focus especially on typological issues of Russian culture. In recent years, for instance, the project of the Czech Science Foundation “Cultural, spiritual and ethnic roots of Russia” has been successfully implemented. In this project, basic elements of Russian culture have been studied in a broader interdisciplinary perspective. The above-mentioned theme has been thoroughly examined within the project of the Czech Science Foundation “Spiritual and historical tradition in Russian culture: continuity and discontinuity”, which aimed to create overview monographs and studies devoted to social and political thinking of the Moscow Russia and to the religious life in contemporary Russia. The most significant research achievement of the Ukrainian and Slavic Studies Seminar was a successful completion of the grant project Constitution of postmodern discourse in Ukrainian literature, which sought to examine different aspects of fiction written by representatives of the so-called Stanislav phenomenon. In the past few years, many Department members have become involved in the internal research programmes PRVOUK – P10 Linguistics and PRVOUK – P12 – History in interdisciplinary perspective.