Eastern European Studies (EES) at the Bachelor level is designed as a three-year single-subject and double-subject study with a chosen areal language A (Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian) and with professional focus on geographic and geopolitical space, cultural and social development of Eastern Europe. The discipline is profiled as a philological study within the concept of “Foreign languages, culture of a living language and areal studies”, that is as an integrated study, whose natural constituents are the language, literature, history, cultural and social areal context. At the beginning of the study the student selects one language from the four areal languages A: Lithuanian, Latvian, Russian, Ukrainian. The mandatory study basis is developed by recommended optional subjects that extend the selected specialization (language and areal) within the field of study, while providing students with the possibility of a comparative study. The summary of knowledge acquired in connection with the linguistic competence becomes a student‘s information basis for easy orientation in the civilizational heritage of the area of Eastern Europe. The aim of the study programme is to prepare professionals with such a linguistic competence that enables them to understand and analyze the progress and the importance of historical and contemporary cultural and socio-political development of the Eastern European region.