Oriens Aliter represents the project of the new scientific periodical of the Department of Central European Studies and the Institute of East European Studies, two workplaces of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University in Prague, which in the long term and from different aspects deal with the study of cultural-historic heritage of the Central and Eastern Europe, in co-operation with Precarpathian National University of Vasyl Stefanyk in Ivano-Frankivsk.
Editorial board regards the main aim of the Journal Oriens Aliter in providing the platform for presentation of results of the most topical culturological and historic research about the Central and Eastern Europe for scientific public and wider reader’s community and for confrontation of them in international scale. Aside from this primary task the new journal should become a mediator for closer co-operation of institutions, whose distinguished and respected personalities scholarly shielded and with their authority supported the creation of the journal. All guaranteeing workplaces will organize in the future occasional colloquiums or larger international scientific symposiums thematically focused on examined area. Besides, they will prepare common research grant projects. Title of the journal Oriens Aliter refers to the general intent to introduce other inspiring view of the examined and important European region, in other words to discover new, possibly surprising connections and conjugate interactions between the world of the Central and the Eastern Europe.
From the hinted general conception of the journal also results the enhanced focus on areas of mutual contacts and diffusion of both large cultural-historic areas (Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Baltic States, Belorussia, Ukraine) as well as the historic-geographic area of Russia. Moreover, Central and Eastern Europe will not be explored as isolated periphery of the European Continent but will be regarded in contexts and interactions with the development of the West European civilizing perimeter. The journal Oriens Aliter will be, in reference to its interdisciplinary character, opened to the wide circle of researchers and contributions from various scientific fields (history, culturology, literary science, political studies, arts etc.). With respect to the general focus and long-term aims of constituent institutions the editorial board will prefer studies dealing with the problems of the twentieth century (including their historic connections) and research of momentous social-cultural situation. To the most preferred themes will, among others, belong the following questions: shaping of modern political nations and current formative national processes; transformations of modern nationhood; concept of the 19th and 20th century nationalism and its historical roots; problems of minorities and inter-ethnic relations; research of identities and national myths; actual language and national policy; perspectives of civic society and European integration in Belorussia and Ukraine; policy of European Union and support of democracy in countries of Eastern Europe.