Since 2005, the Conference of young Slavists has become a key long-term conference project of the Department of East European Studies. This meeting, that has been held regularly since 2005 (33–4 May 2005, 113–12 October 2006, 243–25 October 2007, 223–23 October 2008, 43–5 November 2009, 43–5 November 2010, 3–4 November 2011, 1–2 November 2012, 24–25 October 2013, 6–7 November 2014, 5–6 November 2015, 3–4 November 2016, 2–3 November 2017, 1–2 November 2018) with strong international participation, aims to give young generation of researchers (under the age of 35) the opportunity to present the results of their research work and exchange views across individual disciplines of Slavic studies and different Slavic studies institutions. The conference negotiations should contribute to the search for a new identity of Prague’s Slavic studies and their integration into the international scientific context. The conference outcomes are collections of studies reviewed by leading domestic and foreign experts.
Many domestic and international responses bear witness to the success of this event. In 2014 the international conference Precolonialism, colonialism and postcolonialism. Empires and the others in the Eastern and South-Eastern Europe was organized by the members of the Department in co-operation with the Department of South Slavonic and Balkan Studies.
The Ukrainian and Slavic Studies Seminar organizes lectures, seminars and conversations where translations of the Ukrainian fiction literature and actual Ukrainias topics are regularly presented.
On 24–26 November 2017, the International Conference of Ukrainianists took place in Prague, attracting Ukrainianists from the Czech Republic and abroad, especially the Visegrad countries, as well as Ukrainian scholars.
On 12 October 2018, the conference Borders – Conflict – Places of Clashes and Meetings in the Eurasian Area was held as part of the Progres Q 13 programme.
On 10–11 November 2018, the 2nd International Conference of Ukrainianists took place in Prague.
On 28–30 March 2019, the international conference World War II: History and Memory took place at Charles University’s Faculty of Arts, more information here.
On 26 April 2019, the Academic Centre of Boris Nemtsov organised the first year of an international conference, the topic of which was Понятие свободы в России.
On 29 April 2019, the conference Czech Baltic Studies 1918–2018 was held under the auspices of the Lithuanian and Latvian Embassies in Prague.