Entrance Examinations (NMgr.) – Russian Language and Literature
Applicants will be asked a total of three questions: 1) a question testing their command of Russian (a minimum of level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages), 2) a question testing their knowledge of the linguistic system of contemporary Russian, 3) a question testing their knowledge of Russian literature and culture. All questions will be based on a reading list which the applicant must present at the oral entrance examination and which should include not only selected works from our recommended reading list, but also other publications (non-fiction and fiction) of the applicant’s choice related to the given sets of topics.
Sample questions for the oral entrance examination:
Russian (at least level C1 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages):
- Geopolitics of Russia. – Геополитика России.
- Important cultural centres in Russia. – Важные культурные центры России.
- Important economic centres in Russia. – Важные экономические центры России.
- Main public and religious holidays. – Главные государственные и религиозные праздники России.
- Traditions – both old and contemporary.– Традиции – старые и новые.
- National cuisine – does it even exist? – Национальная кухня, существует ли она еще?
- Education system in Russia. Система образования в России.
- The philosophy of consumer society. – Философия общества потребления.
- Diseases of affluence. Цивилизационные болезни.
- Social issues in Russia – Социальные проблемы – какие они в России?
- Standard of living – contrasts. Уровень жизни – контрасты.
- Modern family – current trends. Современная семья – тенденции развития.
- Modern communication: Do we really see each other in person? Современное общение: встречаемся ли мы вообще?
- Is talent the key to success?– Талант – это путь к успеху?
- Problems in modern sport. – Проблемы современного спорта.
Linguistic system of contemporary Russian:
- Stressed vowels (phonetics, phonology).
- Reduction of unstressed vowels (phonetics, phonology).
- Consonants: voiced and voiceless consonants.
- Consonants: hard and soft consonants.
- Consonants: sibilants (phonetics, phonology).
- Paradigms of Russian nouns.
- Grammatical gender and declensions of nouns.
- Suffixes of Russian nouns.
- Stem alternations in Russian nouns.
- Paradigms of Russian adjectives.
- Short forms of adjectives.
- Comparative and superlative adjectives.
- Paradigms of Russian verbs.
- Stem alternations in Russian verbs.
- Grammatical categories of Russian verbs and their forms.
- Synthetic and periphrastic verb forms.
- Non-finite verb forms in Russian.
- Clause elements and their forms.
- Subject in Russian.
- Predicate in Russian.
- Object in Russian.
- Attribute in Russian.
- Complement in Russian.
- Syntactic functions of participles.
- Syntactic functions of the transgressives.
- Syntactic functions of infinitives.
- Subordinate clauses.
- Linguistic sign, grammar and vocabulary.
- Lexical relations and lexical field.
- Word-formation in Russian.
Russian literature and culture
- Themes and genres of early Russian literature.
- Key authors of Kievan Rus’.
- Key authors of Muscovite Russia.
- Literature and culture during the reign of Peter the Great.
- Classicism in Russian literature.
- Sentimentalism in Russian literature.
- Russian poetry of the 19th century.
- Russian drama of the 19th century.
- The Russian realist novel.
- Literature and culture at the turn of the 20th century. Changes in genres and forms, new themes, poetic language, and narrative techniques.
- The first and the second generations of Russian symbolism.
- Characteristics of Acmeism.
- Russian avant-garde movements. The poetics of Cubo-Futurism. “Zaum”.
- Social realism. Ideological norms and measures in literature and culture.
- The portrayal of the Russian revolution in literature and culture. Russian utopias and dystopias.
- Literature between the two world wars – basic trends in development and style. Movements and groups.
- Russian drama and theatre of the first half of the 20th century.
- World War II in Russian literature.
- Forced-labour camps in Russian literature.
- Trends in official literature during the second half of the 20th century.
- Trends in unofficial literature during the second half of the 20th century.
- Literature and culture in the era of perestroika.
- Postmodernism. Theory, origins and development.
- Contemporary Russian literature.
- Russian literary criticism in the 19th century.
- Formalism in Russian literary theory.
- Semiotics in Russian literary theory.
- Russian interwar emigration. Main centres and key personalities.
- Russian emigration in interwar Czechoslovakia.
- Russian emigration and Russian minorities in the world today.
- Key actors on the Russian political scene.
- Nations of the Russian Federation.
- Characteristics of Russian Orthodoxy and religious life in Russia.
- Russian philosophers.
- Marxism in Russia.
- Czech-Russian relations before World War I.
- Czech-Russian relations in the 20th century. T. G. Masaryk and K. Kramář.
- Main movements in Russian art.
- Russian music and notable Russian musicians.