Paradigmatika spisovné ruštiny. Hláskosloví a tvarosloví
Ďurovič, Ľubomír – Giger, Markus
ISBN: 978-80-246-3951-2
Karolinum, 2020
The Paradigmatics of Standard Russian presents Russian phonology and inflection in an integral way. It offers an interpretation of the phonological system of Standard Russian based on the Moscow school and comments in detail on such problems as the reduction of non-stressed vowels or the neutralization of the palatalization correlation. It shows the dynamics of this system and the coexistence of older and newer variants. This phonological system is the starting point for the presentation of the system of inflection, so that it is possible to show interrelations between different types of inflection that would remain hidden when using only orthographic notations. This method allows to show the inflection of Russian as a relatively closed and tight-knit system, but at the same time clearly shows real exceptions, on which detailed comments are made. The book is based on actual literature and electronic corpuses of Modern Standard Russian.
Современный русский язык
Rajnochová, Natalie – Stranz-Nikitina, Veronika – Rycheva, Ekaterina et al.
ISBN: 978-80-246-4850-7
Karolinum, 2022
Textbook Současná ruština – cvičení (Contemporary Russian – Exercises) systematizes theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of grammar of the Russian language in comparison with the Czech language, forms deep grammatical knowledge and helps to develop the communication competence. It is based on the principles of developing individual abilities of students and consists of exercises of various levels of difficulty. The book is intended for both beginners and advanced students. Thanks to the large number of exercises with a key, it can serve as a source of materials for consolidating the topics discussed in various types of educational institutions.
The textbook consists of a preface, a list of abbreviations, six chapters (in accordance with the six parts of speech), keys to exercises, a list of recommended literature and a glossary.
Each chapter is divided into three parts – it contains a theoretical part, as well as basic and optional exercises.
Современный русский язык
Разговорный практикум
Rycheva, Ekaterina – Rajnochová, Natalie
ISBN: 978-80-246-5586-4
Karolinum, 2023
Textbook Současná ruština – konverzace (Contemporary Russian – Conversation) is intended primarily for students of the Institute of East European Studies of the Faculty of Arts, Charles University, but also for other interested parties. The book is divided into four parts in accordance with the levels of language proficiency (A1–C2). Each part of the book, in addition to the basic texts, contains a set of exercises and uses current vocabulary and phraseology of Russian, necessary for free communication in the language environment and the formation of linguistic intuition. The fourth, special part of the textbook is pedagogically focused and is intended primarily for future teachers of the Russian language.
The textbook can be used both independently and with the book Současná ruština – cvičení (Contemporary Russian – Exercises).
Практикум по орфографии и пунктуации русского языка
Rycheva, Ekaterina
ISBN: 978-80-246-5506-2
Karolinum, 2023
The publication “Spelling and punctuation of the Russian language: exercises” focuses on the most problematic issues of Russian spelling and punctuation and is intended for both advanced students of Russian and teachers of Russian as a foreign language. Thematically focused chapters contain a theoretical part, presented in the form of tables, as well as practical exercises with the key. Based on a comparative approach, the author clearly demonstrates the similarities and differences in the spelling and punctuation of Russian and Czech, thus helping students understand the relevant rules and apply them in practice.