Colloquium „Culture and war. Inter arma silent musae?“

Vážení studenti, vážené studentky,

Dovolujeme si Vám oznámit, že kolokvium Kultura a válka proběhne na FF UK 31. 10. od 9.00 do 17. 00 v místnosti 325.
Pro zájemce o on-line účast je tu možnost sledovat odpolední blok v angličtině od 13:30 do 17:00 distančně – link na MSTeams:
The colloquium offers insight into selected cultural and educational institutions and platforms as well as individual positions that have emerged in response to Russian aggression in Ukraine. Cultural and social phenomena in the activities of Ukraine, Russia and beyond will be presented. Institutions that have long been involved in the human rights agenda will also be mentioned.
The main part of the colloquium will consist of lectures (in Czech or English), and the event will conclude with a guided tour of the exhibition Poetry and Performance.
Úvod > Aktuality > Colloquium „Culture and war. Inter arma silent musae?“