18. přednáška z cyklu Přednášky hostujících profesorů:
Diminutives in Lithuanian (29.11., 12.30-14.00, hlavní budova FF UK, místnost 312)
Přednášející: prof. Laura Kamandulytė-Merfeldienė
The aim of the lecture is to discuss the usage of diminutives in Lithuanian. The Lithuanian language is characterized by the productive formation of diminutives from any noun via one or several competing suffixes. The use of the diminutives may depend on the speech situation: they mainly occur in child-directed speech or are used to talk about small children, as well as talking to or about pets. Adults use diminutives when they talk to good friends, parents or grandparents. The pragmatic meanings of diminutives are discussed in this lecture.
Na přednášku je třeba se přihlásit: tereza.chlanova@ff.cuni.cz.